Marshalls Energy Company is changing the way that it notifies suppliers of up-coming quotations/tenders/IFB/proposals.
How will this affect you?
- Marshalls Energy Company will be placing/advertising their quotations/tenders electronically from their new eTender portal at https://www.tenderlink.com/mecrmi/
- The portal will then send an email directly to relevant suppliers each time a new quotation or tender is released.
- If you are interested in the quotation or tender, you will be able to download the tender documents directly from the portal.
What are the benefits for you?
- Immediate notification of all new notices relevant to your respective needs.
- The previous risk of missing (or not finding out about) new contracts becomes minimal.
- You will no longer need to waste your valuable time searching multiple paper and web-based sources endeavouring to keep abreast of what is of interest to your business.
- You will receive all relevant tenders within 1 single email communication.
- You will have immediate access to relevant documentation, to understand better the scope and details at the earliest possible stage.
- Participate in Online Tender Forums.
- Be notified and receive copies of all addenda relating to the quotation or tender.
- Respond electronically via the secure Electronic Tender Box (saving time and money in printing and delivery costs).
What You Need to Do:
Even though you may have been carrying out work previously for Marshalls Energy Company, you need to register on the portal so we can ensure that we have correct and current details and contacts for your organization. Registration is Free.
- Go to https://www.tenderlink.com/mecrmi/
- Click on the Registration tab on the menu bar
- Complete the Registration Wizard
- If you require assistance with registration please contact the support helpline
We are confident that this new portal will be of great service to you by making it much easier for you to respond to the opportunities published by our organization.
Customer Support Help Desk
Email: support@tenderlink.com
We believe the transition plan we have put in place will ensure that no person/business is disadvantaged in their access to tender information by the changes being made. As always, we welcome your feedback (both positive and negative) on our electronic tendering procedures through Tenderlink.
Procurement Department
Marshalls Energy Co, Inc.