Majuro, Marshall Islands – MEC recently audited a small portion of Feeder 1 (F1), specifically from the Power Plant to Batkan, and uncovered alarming instances of energy theft and meter irregularities. Our Revenue Protection Unit’s revalidation efforts revealed a troubling landscape of tampered meters and unregistered connections, highlighting the urgent need for public awareness and cooperation.

We inspected 144 customers, which included a mix of commercial, residential, and government accounts, and identified some serious issues:

  1. Energy Theft: We discovered six cases of meter tampering. This deliberate manipulation of meters is not just a violation of MEC policies but also a criminal offense. Such actions lead to significant revenue losses for MEC and unfairly burden honest customers with higher rates.
  2. Unregistered Consumption: We found seven unregistered meters, meaning these customers were consuming electricity without getting billed, and consequently not paying for the electricity they consumed. This type of “power theft” undermines the integrity of our entire distribution system.

The audit’s most striking revelation is the recovery of a staggering 4,141,486.20 kWh of previously unaccounted-for or stolen electricity. To put this in perspective, this amount of stolen energy could power over 500 average households for an entire year! This massive figure represents a substantial financial loss for MEC and, by extension, a hidden cost borne by all law-abiding and honest customers.

This isn’t just about numbers – it’s about fairness, safety, and the future of our community:

  1. Fairness: Honest customers are unknowingly subsidizing thieves, paying higher rates to cover these losses.
  2. Safety: Tampering with electrical equipment poses severe risks of fires and electrocution.
  3. Infrastructure: Energy theft overloads our system, leading to more frequent outages and equipment failures.

MEC is committed to addressing this crisis. We will relentlessly continue our revalidation efforts throughout the entirety of Feeder 1, leaving no stone unturned. Our goal is to complete a comprehensive audit of the entire feeder, ensuring that every connection is legal, safe, and properly billed. Once F1 is complete, we will commence revalidation of Feeder 2, which is from the Power Plant to Anil Island.

We want to stress that energy theft and meter tampering are serious offenses with severe consequences. These actions not only result in financial losses but also pose significant safety risks.

Combatting Energy Theft Can Lead to Lower Electricity Rates

When people steal electricity, MEC loses money. By stopping theft, we regain this lost income, reducing the need to raise rates to cover losses. Furthermore, electricity theft often overloads power lines and transformers. Eliminating this theft improves the efficiency of our distribution system, leading to lower maintenance costs, reduced power losses, and most importantly, decreased fuel consumption.

The money saved from preventing energy theft can be invested in upgrading and maintaining the power grid, resulting in better infrastructure, fewer outages, and lower operating costs.

Remember, energy theft affects everyone. By working together to combat this problem, we can not only lower electricity rates but also improve service reliability and contribute to the overall development of our energy infrastructure.

We urge all customers to promptly report any suspicious activities or irregularities they observe with their meters or neighboring installations. Remember, your vigilance can help safeguard the integrity of our power grid. As an incentive for your cooperation, MEC is prepared to reward individuals who report such instances. Rest assured, all calls or reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality to protect the identities of those who come forward.

Remember, when you see something, say something! Call 625-3828 or 456-3828.


Ilo Majuro, Marshall Islands- Ej kab dredrelok jerbal in etale eo an MEC ilo jen Power Plant eo nan Batkan ilo Feeder 1(F1), im ej kile ke ewor jet jokjok ko im elap an lap an jen jonan kin wot koot jarom im jerbal nana ilo meter ko. Unit eo im ej eddoin kejbarok revenue ako jaan  ko an MEC im rej naetan Revenue Protection Unit, emoj an jibwi joraan ko im rej itok jen jerbal nana im komator ilo meter ko, bareinwot moko im rej kolaaki to in jarom ko aer make ako rejjab register ibben MEC, im bareinwot kakuri kein jerbal ko rej letok jarom, e kommon bwe MEC en kair im kojjelaik jukjuk in bed in kake im ej aikuiji buro kuk ko an kajojo armij ilo jukjuk in bed in.

Ilo tore in MEC emoj an jinoe kommone jerbal in etale jarom ko ibben 144 customer ro einwot business ko,  imon jokwe ko, im ekoba account ko an kien ak government bareiwnot, im jen etale kein, MEC ej loe ke ewor jet jokjok ko im elap aer tar jen jonan im rejjab jejot im rej einwot in ijin ilal:

  1. Koot Jarom: Ewor jiljino (6) case ko an customer ro im rekar make jibwi iloan meter ko im rekar tamper ako jerbal komator. Make jibwe meter ko im ukote kobban, ejjab kakkure im jumae wot policy ko an MEC, ako ej bareinwot criminal offense ako loke kakien ko an Kien ako Government. Jerbal rot in e kommon bwe MEC en luuji jaan ak money ko rellap im bareinwot e jelet cusomter ro im rej mool im kollaiki rate ko ilon lok.
  2.  Ejjab Register ak ej Kojerbal Jarom:  Ewor jiljilimjuon (7) meter ko im rekar jab register, melelein customer ro rej bok jarom ako ejjelok ewoj ako rejjab kolllaiki jarom eo rej kojerbale. Kain jerbal in koot rot in, e kakkure jerbal in leto letak jarom im ejelet eddok lok eo an MEC im ri jerbal ro ie, im elaptata customer ro im rej mool im kolla jarom.

Men eo e kabilonlon in im ear walok, ej kin jonan drettan ne 4,141,486.20 kwh im MEC ear luuji jen wot jerbal nana kin koot jarom. Ne jenaj lukkun kalimjoklok, jonan drettan jarom in im emoj koot e emaron kar kaurur 500 em ako customer ro iiumwin juon yio. Emoj an MEC luuji jaan ak money laplap kein jen wot jerbal nana in, im jen wot in, customer ro im rej mool im intan im loor kakkien ko, re oktak im inene ki im joraan kake jokjok in.

Wawein ejjab bwe jen kommon jonok ko ak drettan aurok in, ako ej bareinwot nan jokkin wot emman eo nan kajojo aolep armij, mour im ejmour ko aer, im iliju im jeklaj eo an jukjuk in bed eo:

  1. Fairness: Customer ro re mool rejjab jela ke kolla im eowoj ko aer rej ilok nan cover e ro rej koot jarom, ilo aer kollaik drettan rate ko ilon.
  2. Safety: Tamper ako jibwi kein jerbal ko ewor jarom ie remaron kommon bwe en wor bwil im kijeek im jelet mour an armij.
  3. Infrastructure: Koot jarom e kommon bwe en eddo lok jarom eo aolep rej kojerbale, bareinwot e kommon bwe en kutkut lok kun jarom ko, im kakkure kein jerbal ko.

MEC ej kaben ibben make ke enaaj lale im lolorjake joraan in. Im eban kaliktak im bojrak jen kommone jerbal etale kein ilo aolepen Feeder 1 (Power Plant lok nan Laura), im ejjelok juon men enaj benjak ak nojak. Kotobar eo in bwe en dedelok im aolep bill ako bakin ko ren kola ilo aolepen Feeder 1. Elikin an dedelok F1, innem Feeder 2 enaj jinoe jerbal in etale ko jen Power Plant eo nan Anil Island.

Jej lukkun kalikar bwe koot jarom im ukot kobban Meter ko rej jerbal ko elap aer nana im ewor kaje ko rellap nan kain jokjok rot in. Wawein in ejjab kommon wot bwe jen luuji elap money, ako e maron bar kommon bwe en bwil imoko im jelet mour ko an armij. Jej rejan aolep customer ro bwe ren report e jabrewot jerbal nana kein, ako ne kwoj kile ke ewor irlok ako ewor joraan ilo meter eo am ak meter ko an ro jet rej jokwe iturum.

Tarinaeik ako Jumae Koot Jarom E Maron In Kommon bwe en Diklok Wonen Jarom

Ne armij rej koot jarom, MEC ej luuj money ako jaan. Ilo ad kabojrak koot, jej bareinwot kommon jaan, kommon bwe en jab aikuij laplok wonen jarom nan korool tok jonan eo jej luuji. Im bareinwot, koot jarom ekka an kommon bwe transformer ko ren laplok aer jerbal im eddo kake load eo. Kabojrak kain jerbal nana in enaj kokomman lok an etal jarom nan kajojo customer, kadriklok wonen jerbal in maintenance, kadriklok an ko jarom, im men eo aurok tata, enaj drik lok fuel eo im engine ko rej kojerbali.

Ne jenaj bobraiki joraan in, innem je maron in naj kakajoor lok im drabij wot jonan im emman in jarom eo jej kojerbale, enaj driklok emakijkij in kun jarom, im kadriklok wonen operation eo.

Kememej bwe koot jarom e jelet aolep armij. Ilo adwoj ibben dron im tarinaik issue in ako joraan in, ejjab bwe en diklok wonen jarom wot, ako enaj kokomanman lok jokkin service eo ak enaj bareinwot kokajoor lok eddok eo an jarom ilo Majuro in. MEC enaj lelok reward nan jabrewot eo enaj call ak report tok nan MEC ne elon jerbal in kakure meter in jarom ko. MEC eban kwalok etan ro me renaj call ak report tok.

Kememej-Ne kwoj loe juon men, kwon ba! Call e MEC ilo 625-3828 or 456-3828.