News and Publications
The Nelson Report – Independent review by the D.O.I. News publications Explanation to Customers – Part 1. News publications Explanation to Customers – Part 2. February 23 2007 Sidebar 3 to MEC/MISSA story February 23 2007 Sidebar 2 to MEC/MISSA story February 23 2007 Sidebar 1 to MEC/MISSA story February 23 2007 MEC tries to borrow money February 9, 2007 Auditor gives MEC a B+ January 26, 2007 Ebeye gets power back on January 26, 2007 Cheaper fuel deals for Ebeye January 19, 2007 MEC should be praised January 19, 2007 Lemari new KAJUR boss January 19, 2007 PII Fuel delivery problems extend Ebeye blackout January 12, 2007 SK negotiate with MEC January 12, 2007 Power Cost up again January 12, 2007 Ebeye deal in Flux. January 5, 2007 Ebeye out of fuel. December 29, 2006 SK Delivery to MEC December 29, 2006 Jaluit and Ebeye out of fuel December 29, 2006 Ebeye facing fuel crisis December 1, 2006 KAJUR gasps at fuel prices from Mobil November 24, 2006 MEC to Install systems November 17, 2006 Sale of Tanks November 17, 2006 $3 million worth of power November 10, 2006 MEC fixes its Core issues November 3, 2006 Ways out of the MEC crisis November 3, 2006 SK Fuel here just in time October 20 2006 90 Solar home systems Arrive October 20, 2006 Termites cause blackouts October 20, 2006 Speaking of Darkness October 20, 2006 Minister on MEC October 20, 2006 Dark times ahead October 13 2006 Fuel change saves costs September 29 2006 MEC stories August 11 2006 Bulb donation to cut power bills August 11 2006 Fire destroys power plant engines, causes blackouts July 21 2006 Billy resigns July 21 2006 SK Networks has big plans July 14 2006 How power-hungry are the RMI June 9 2006 Stupidity causes outages June 2 2006 MEC helps fix Ebeye engine May 12 2006 Blackouts hit Ebeye April 28 2006 MEC debt to Mobil April 14 2006 Congratulations MEC April 14 2006 MEC to run KAJUR March 3 2006 MECs 20th birthday: Make our Energy my good Chap February 10 2006 SK Tanker arrived with MEC fuel February 3 2006 MEC dumps Mobil for SK January 27 2006 SK tanker supply deal is a go December 23 2005 French Ambassador thanked for Mejit solar December 23 2005 Bank of Guam okays fuel loan December 16 2005 So long darkness, solar power is here December 16 2005 Two weeks of fuel left in MEC tanks December 16 2005 MEC passes papers to Ambassador December 16 2006 French play big part in project November 18 2005 Coconut oil saves Kramer big bucks November 11 2005 Fuel on top of President NoteÕs priority list November 4 2005 MEC overpays on tax dollars.doc Novenmber 4 2005 Mobil reports a record profit October 28 2005 The Pacific Power Crunch October 28 2005 Mobil cries foul over accusations October 21 2005 Call for US to probe Mobil October 21 2005 MEC told to drop price gouging Mobil October 14 2005 Big debt to Mobil July 29 2005 MEC: Mobil misleading RMI public July 22 2005 Mobil: MEC causes hold up July 22 2005 MEC asks USA for Fuel Investigation July 8th Marshall Islands Journal – Mobil holds MEC to Ransom