Breadfruit Tree Picking Safety

Breadfruit has always been a very important food crop for our people for over centuries, up to this day, people still grow breadfruit and rely on its fruit for food. Equally important is our need to have electricity into our homes to improve our everyday livelihoods.
That is why we want to remind our customers to use extreme caution when picking breadfruits (ma) from trees near overhead powerlines. To avoid a potentially tragic accident, remember these safety tips.
- Make sure you know where the overhead power line is at at all times – Always look up and around for powerlines before any picking or trimming activity. If any part of the tree is touching overhead powerlines, the tree can become energized and you should not touch the tree
- Use the 10 feet rule: always keep your tools or yourself away at least 10ft from the overhead powerlines
- Never trim trees that have powerlines going through them or touch any tree limb or part that may fall into a powerline. It is strongly recommended that a qualified arborist be used to trim and maintain your trees, especially trees near powerlines. Call us so we can send our professionals to help.
- If a person comes into contact with a powerline, assume the line is energized and dangerous. Do not attempt to free the person the power line. Stay clear and warn others to keep away. Call immediately for help.
- If you see any objects caught in a power line, assume the line is energized and do not attempt to free it yourself give us a call and we will be there.
Call us at MEC trouble lines:
- MEC Main office – 625-3828/3829
- PowerPlants – 456-3394
Ma ej juon ian mona eo eaurok ibbed im ej mottan mour kein ad iumin taujin iio. Jarom ej juon men eo jej lo eke jej aikuji nan moko mod bwe en eman lak im bidodo lak mour.
Enin ej unin an aurok nan kakemejmej customer ro am bwe kom en lukin jojo kojbarok e ne kom ej komkom ma. Nan bobrae an maron walok joreen ko rellap, kekemejmej safety tips kein.
- Lolorjake bwe kwon jela ia eo line in jarom ej bed ie aolep ien – mokta jen am ijjino komkom ak jek raan wojke eo kememej bwe kwon reitoreitak im lale ia eo line in jarom eo ej bed ie. Elane ewor ra ak jabdewot enbwin wojke eo ej itak ibben line in jarom eo, emaron in ettor jarom eo ilo wojke eo ilo tore ne, jab jibwe wojke eo.
- Jerbal iumin 10 ne rule eo: elkin am jela ia eo line in jarom eo ej ettor ie, tool ko am im kab kwe make kwon etolak 10 ne jen line in jarom eo.
- Jab jek wojke eo ewor line in jarom ej ettor ibulen ak ewor ian part in wojke eo ej atartar ibben line in jarom eo. Ej juon naan in rejan bwe ro ewor tijemlk in jerbal in jekjek wojke ren er eo rej jok wojke eo katakim, elaptata nan wojke ko rej bed iturin line in jarom ko. Call e tok kom bwe kom en jilkin ritijemlok ro am bwe ren jiban.
- Elane ewor armij ej itak ibben line in jarom eo, lomnak bwe jarom eo emour im ekauatata. jab kajjion in korelak armij eo jen line in jarom eo. Bed etolak im rajan ro jet bwe ren jab ebake line jarom eo. Call nan jiban
- Elane kwoj elolo jabdewot men ej lorak ilo line in jarom eo, lomnak bwe jarom eo emour im jab kajion in korolak men eo jen line in jarom eo. Call e kom im jenaj bed ijen.
Call e kom ilo trouble line kein:
- MEC Main office – 625-3828/3829
- Power plants – 456-3394