As we welcome new horizons at our Majuro Power Plant Station 1, we must also bid a respectful farewell to a stalwart of our community. On April 5, 2024, in a bittersweet ceremony, MEC commemorated the decommissioning of its last Pielstick Engine—an engine that has served for an impressive 44 years.

Installed when our grandparents were young, the Pielstick Engines have been a constant hum in the background of daily life, contributing to the vitality of Majuro. These engines did not just generate power; they fueled memories, progress, and growth. They empowered our schools to enlighten young minds, our local businesses to thrive, and our hospital to save lives and usher in new ones.

Our valediction to the engines was a small, reflective gathering. It was an occasion to acknowledge the past and envision an evolving, eco-conscious energy system.

Through the reliable service of the Pielstick Engines, we’ve witnessed the embodiment of hard work and resilience, akin to the spirit shown by the men and women who have worked tirelessly throughout these years to keep the lights on in Majuro. As we transition to new technologies, we carry forward the legacy of dedication embodied by both the Pielstick Engines and the commitment of our engineers.

Thanks to every hand that has maintained these engines and every individual who has been a part of this journey. Here’s to the next chapter—an era of greener energy and inspired growth for Majuro, including Ebeye, Jaluit, and Wotje.

May our past power our future.